Sunday, August 24, 2008

Little Iron & a New Bag

My sister does not understand the value of this tiny iron, but those of you who paper piece either have one and love it or are seeing this one and wanting it. Anyway she and my mom stopped by one day and Mom gave me this tiny ironing board as she didn't want it anymore. So my sister teased me that she was sure she would come over one day and I would be ironing with my tiny iron on my tiny ironing board. Now that I have the table space I thought I'd try it. LOL!! It works great!! Thanks for the idea Sis!

And here is the new purse and baggies set I made today. You can't tell in the photo but the button changes color from blue to turquoise when you move it . This is the first time I've made this purse and I really love it.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your bags. Even though my favorite color is blue, I think I like the pink one better. I love the shape of it. They are both pretty, though.

Love ya,