Here is my new project I'm starting--I've titled it "Skittles". I took a block pattern I had saved years ago from the
internet and modified it into this quilt top. I recently was invited to a group on Google (HI BEES!!!) and I just left a post there about this quilt top. I mentioned in my post that I couldn't remember the name of the person whose block I modified, well now that I'm posting photos I see it right on the paper that I've been working with for at least three days now
LOOOOOL Geeze!!! Any way her name is Mary Ann
Beattie and her block pattern is titled "
Tessellated Leaves" Her block was two colors and only 12 inches. I modified by adding several more colors and extending the size out to be about a 48x60 quilt top. I will be posting additions as the work progresses so Enjoy!! and have a great day!!
This first photo is my design. I changed the colors with black sharpie after I got my fabric out and found that the blue was actually darker than the purple and I did want that stripe down the center to be the darkest color.

Here are my 480 pieces copied, cut and ready to be sewn.

Here I'm stripping!!
LOOOOL You know cutting the fabric into 1 1/2 inch strips to use in my piecing! Oh what did you think!!!

Getting the first
pieces ready.
Wow 480 is
a lot! Aren't the colors pretty! Looks like Skittles to me!

Thanks for reading!!! Come back soon for updates!!
Hi Jenny, I'm Cheryl a newbee from the Beehive! I love The Skittles! You do an awesome job for being self taught! I too learned on my own, and have a long long way to go!! Keep up the great work! And I love your sewing room!!!!
Hi Jenny, It's me "Cheryl" again! Thanks for posting to my website! I wase going to email you back but didn't have your email address either, so thought I'd drop a quick note a give you mihe
It was great hearing from you! I'll share garden tips, if you'll share quilting tips...everything I've seen on your site that you've done is beautiful!!!! Drop me a note, then I'll have your address too! Congrats on the new home!! Isn't it fun to have to move everything you've accumulated all those years!! We just moved in Dec!!
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