Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tennis and Science

Here's my oldest son at his tennis match.

This is my oldest daughter at her science fair.

Another Bib, Cute Cats, and a New Pet

This is the new bib I made.

This is Spazzy and Mr. Mouse hugging and cleaning each other! Too cute!

This is Bella, the newest member of our family. Hubby has a real soft spot for homeless animals, however I'm hoping he has enough now. We currently have five children with one on the way, three cats, a hamster and now a dog. Whew!!

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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Parachute, Flowers, and a Cast

This is my sweet daughter back in February of this year, with a cast on her arm. She fell off a hay bale at Grandma's house earlier in the month and broke it. She had to wear the cast for about six weeks. On this day she won a little parachute from "Jump Rope for Heart" and wanted to go outside and try it out.

Oops, she hit kitty with it! He's alright though.